Beeswax Wrap Kit Instructions
Oven Method
Cotton cloth (provided in kit)
Wax blend cube(s) (provided in kit)
Baking tray
Baking paper
2 x tweezers or tongs
This requires an oven.
Preheat the oven to 80°C, or the lowest setting if your oven doesn’t go this low.
Cover the baking tray with baking paper.
Practice making your first wrap with the smallest of the sizes by placing one small piece of cloth on the baking paper.
Grate approximately 7g of the wax blend blocks over the cloth making sure you have an even spread.
Place the baking tray into the oven. The wax will slowly begin to melt (4-8min). Once all the wax has melted remove the baking tray from the oven and use a scrunched up piece of baking paper to spread the wax on the fabric.
If required, grate some more wax to fill in the gaps where there is no melted wax and place back in the oven.
Repeat steps 6 & 7 until the wrap is completely covered with wax.
Once your wrap is completely covered in wax remove it from the oven and immediately pick up the two top corners using the tongs or tweezers and pull the wrap up from the baking paper.
Let the excess wax drip onto the baking paper. Once the wrap begins to stiffen (approximately 1-2 minutes) it can be hung over a clothes horse or chair to fully set (approximately 5-10 minutes). Be careful not to do this too soon, if the wrap hasn’t hardened enough it will leave wax behind on the clothes horse rack. If it does leave wax behind it can easily be cleaned with an old dry cloth and elbow grease.
Cleaning: To clean waxy utensils, simply pour boiling water over them until all the wax has melted away. We’d suggest doing this outside so wax doesn’t go down your sink.
Care instructions: Scroll to end of page.
Check out this video for ideas on how to use your wrap.
Iron Instructions
Cotton cloth (provided in kit)
Wax blend cube(s) (provided in kit)
An iron and ironing board
Baking paper
2 x tweezers or tongs
Prepare your ironing board and preheat your iron to a high setting.
Cover the ironing board with a square of baking paper - larger than the size of your cotton material.
Place the cotton cloth on the baking paper.
Grate the wax blend block and distribute evenly over the cloth.
Place another piece of baking paper over your material and begin to iron. The wax will slowly begin to melt (1-2min). Once all the wax has melted remove the top piece of baking paper and use a scrunched up piece of baking paper to spread the wax on the fabric.
If required, grate some more wax to fill in the gaps where there is no melted wax and place back in the oven.
Repeat steps 5 & 6 until the wrap is completely covered with wax
Once your wrap is completely covered in wax immediately pick up the two top corners using the tongs or tweezers and pull the wrap up from the baking paper.
Let the excess wax drip onto the baking paper. Once the wrap begins to stiffen (approximately 1-2 minutes) it can be hung over or pegged onto a clothes horse or chair to fully set (approximately 5-10 minutes). Be careful not to do this too soon, if the wrap hasn’t hardened enough it will leave a wax behind on the clothes horse rack. If it does leave wax behind it can easily be cleaned with an old dry cloth.
Cleaning: To clean waxy utensils, simply pour boiling water (adults only) over them until all the wax has melted away (CAUTION - be extremely careful handling boiling water, ensure it doesn’t come in contact with skin or clothes). We’d suggest doing this outside so wax doesn’t go down your sink.
Care instructions: Scroll to end of page.
Check out this video for ideas on how to use your wrap.
Care Instructions:
Please wait 24 hours before you use your wrap for the first time as the wax needs to settle in.
Wash your wrap with warm soapy water and a sponge and let it dry after each use.
Please don’t microwave or put your wrap on hot surfaces.
If your wrap starts to look tired and cracked you can revitalise it by placing it in an 80°C oven (or lowest setting) on a piece of parchment paper and allow the wax to melt until the cracks go away. Carefully remove the wrap from the oven and quickly hang it up to cool and re-set. Check out this video of how to do it.