
Together with the City of Port Phillip, Earth Crusaders are offering FREE Mindfulness Beeswax Wrap Kits to residents of City of Port Phillip.


Enjoy a moment of mindfulness while creating your very own beeswax wrap. Colouring in is not only fun but it is also therapeutic, relaxing and calming.

Never heard of a beeswax wrap? It’s a reusable food wrap made from a piece of cotton which is coated in a beeswax blend. It’s great cling wrap replacement for covering bowls and wrapping sandwiches, cheese, as well as fresh fruit and vegetables.

Our DIY Mindfulness Beeswax Wrap Kits provide you with materials and instructions on how to make the wraps easily from your own kitchen.


Your kit will include:

❤️ A piece of cotton fabric (b&w illustrated)

❤️ 4 x fabric markers (food safe)

❤️ A 25g block of our beeswax wrap blend

❤️ Written & video instruction

PLUS an option to participate in a Zoom Workshop Demo with the Earth Crusaders team

Fabric pattern options:



Registrations for this offer are now closed.

Wow! We can’t believe how quickly 250 kits were snapped up.

If you missed out, sign up to our mailing list below or follow us on Instagram or Facebook for announcements on other programs.



This offer has been made possible with support from City of Port Phillip

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Not a resident of City Of Port Phillip?

You can purchase any of our DIY kits from our online shop.